Introduction: Finding My Golf Game and Women's Golf Wardrobe
Hello my name is Ellie, and I have been designing women's apparel since 2002. Most of my life I have been obsessed with fashion. I never really stop thinking about clothing...I remember what people wore long after I can recall their name.
This is me with Betsey Johnson back in the day...you'll notice she does not age.
I started golfing in 2015. I didn't expect to like golf...let alone become slightly obsessed. That first season I missed the ball on the tee almost as often as I struck it. From an outsider's perspective I was horrible!!! From the inside, I was hooked.
Starting golf was an exciting opportunity to wardrobe in an entirely new way!!! The shopping that followed was an utter disaster and disappointment.
Nothing fit like I expected it to, and for all the jokes about golfers and plaid...the styles available were shockingly ugly or totally mass market only. I ended up with a small selection of all weather, all black apparel, my personal style relegated to popping lip color and funky socks/hats.
Then one day, I was chasing my daughter through Nordstrom kid's section and found a cool Adidas jacket with a wild floral print & POCKETS. I've been playing around with new brands and items ever since. I'm pulling these looks together into a small collection that is coming for 2021 (pending further pandemics)....
Birdie Love will be made in the USA of quality recycled materials, it will fit like active women's athletic apparel...there will be an online shop...and pockets for golf. If you'd like to follow along drop your email, I'd love to be friends.
XXOO Ellie